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A Brief History








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Several things came to pass on Earth after the 20th Century. New weapons, capable of much more destruction, were designed as relations between nations slowly fell apart. Soon the world found itself in a situation similar to right before WWI, but this time it was the world as a whole, not just Europe that was considered a tinderbox. It was only a few years after that, when diplomacy failed and war erupted. It was a vicious war, taking place all over the world. There were no safe places as mobility of forces had reached a new level. However, one country started to focus on space. Soon all the other countries were trying to get to space, to gain the upper hand. Some countries like Russia and the U.S. had an upper hand in this, being that they had already developed space technology. The other nations soon bound together to try and beat them in this race. However, the U.S. had strong allies, and Russia had gained a lot of territory in the recent past, so these two superpowers once again found themselves towering over the other countries. They  developed fearsome new space weapons. Small space stations that required no maintenance, only a gunner, and they could shell areas from above, or other weapons platforms. The rest of the world fell before these giants, and they then turned their awesome might upon each other. However, the conquered nations were not quite. They still had a strong sense of patriotism, and most were determined to go out start again on other planets. After ten years, there were five incidents where some of the conquered people stole or hijacked a shuttle and launched to space. By this point, the war between the US and Russia had spread to mars bases, and the moon. However, in the year 2162, both sides ran out of manpower. Too many people had died, and a Treaty was signed. this ended WWIII.

The escaped nations had not been idle during this time. They had each gone in separate directions, and knew nothing of each other. They had gone to the far reaches of the galaxy, and settled. They thrived and slowly their populations grew from a few hundred to a swelling nation once again. They started to developed space travel, and began colonizing nearby star systems. They named them, most after locations on terra that meant something to them, and pretty soon, they created a fleet of warships. this was all happening separately from each other, in more or less, different sections of the galaxy.

In the year 3021, a space craft from one of the nations, found Terra again. The US and Russia still had a shaky treaty, but they had mostly kept peace since WWIII. Both the US and Russia had also developed space travel, and colonized worlds as well. They had spread out, but space travel was very inefficient since you could not reach lightspeed, but most of humanity had developed tot he point where they could get to about .9 lightspeed. For the next thirty years space travel was the focus of almost all engineers and scientists.

The major advance in space travel, was the wormhole. Most wormholes would only stay open fro a few seconds and then snap shut again, meaning that first you had to predict where they would be, and then fly through before it closed again. scientist found that predicting where the wormholes would show up and when was easy, but often, it was at the wrong time, or going to the wrong place, so that was not effective. But then a brilliant piece of technology was developed. A scientist by the name of  Herr Michael Tinsley, created a device that once you left it somewhere, it would freeze time pretty much, by removing it from the fourth dimension, so time did not exist for it. Scientist turned this into a machine, that could control the wormhole, either letting time in, or out at rates that it needed, so that ships could pass through these wormholes whenever they wanted. This method was tested for several years, before it was deemed safe. However, many individuals decided that they wanted a more direct way, or wanted to avoid the law. They stole this technology, and basically jury rigged it so that the wormhole would always be open. This was cheaper, but more dangerous, so usually only those that are not one hundred percent legal use these.

After that, all of the nations once again discovered each other at one point or another, and a series of wormholes were opened up. After a lot of trail and error, it was discovered that the shortest wormholes were the most stable, so it was decided they would use a system link plan, and just go from one system to the next to the next, to cut back on wormhole length. For the next 1000 years peace mostly reigned with the minor skirmish here and there, and humanity reached its golden age. Technology was developed at an astounding rate and trade was everywhere. Alas, it could not hold up forever.

In the year 3941 the Galaxy War erupted, but it is usually just called WWIV. Unlike previous wars, this was no two sided war. There were complex alliances and such and it ended up being the UWA and Pacifica allied together, the EU and USR allied together, and the SAC and SAA went solo. However, the UWA, Pacifica, EU, and USR remained neutral if somewhat suspicious of each other. Then the Gunnrunners are a neutral faction that supplies arms to all, reaping huge profits.

In the year 3978 a huge breakthrough was made. This was the development of the Terrzak Mind Meld Computer. This allowed people to essentially become a robot with intuition, creativity, and other human traits, while still retaining all the high speed thought patterns in mathematics and science that robots have. This essentially became the ultimate pilot because with this you could load programs into your computer and then instantly become proficient with whatever you loaded, and you would insanely fast reflexes. All the ace pilots use this if they can afford it.

It is now the year 4275. The war has been going on for 334 years now, with almost no progress from any of the sides. Which side will you take? Will you make a difference in the war?

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A Brief History

Things that have changed