A Total Conversion Mod For Freelancer


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Unfortunately, me and my friends are pretty good coders, and we have an idea for our mod, and we even are getting some progress made, but we have hit one stumbling block so far; We suck at creating ship models. I can create an alright ship, but it is boxy, basic, and it just plain out sucks. We would love to have some kind hands step forward and help out. We would like for someone to create a model based on pictures that I will put up on the site, and then add a texture to them, and if possibly actually create all the hard points for them.  Of course, your name would be added to the credits section of the site, you would be mentioned in the mod and we would thank you with gusto. I cannot emphasize enough how important this would be to us. Thanks and simply email me at earth_4275@yahoo.com if you are willing to accept making the model. Below are models that the modding team would like done.


The Dark Legionnaire

This ships is I think looks awesome, and I would create it, but I don't want to butcher it. So if anybody would help me out there, that would be great. I just want it to also look awesome in the mod. For hard points, if you are doing those, you can see where the engines are, there are a few lights to add, there are supposed to be three guns on each wing, those massive tubes, but I don't know if you can put guns there, without seeing the gun on the top swivel around as stuff happens. So unless there is a way to create invisible guns, or make it so that it looks like the guns are firing from there without having the stupid looking stick guns pointing out of the real guns, just put three guns on the top of each wing. The size should be a rough estimate of the average very heavy fighter, if not slightly larger. Also, if it is possible, put it a fixed missile launcher in the nose, where the white/yellow light is in the firsth picture. Here are some pictures for you to look at.

Ship Modelers